KECOSCE Executive Director Phyllis Muema during the interview in her Kisimani office in Mombasa. (Photo/Maxwell)

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The International community is challenged to intervene so that it saves the country from the looming political crisis.

Peace and security activists from the Coast region said that the country was headed to very trying moments following tough political stands between NASA and Jubilee government.

The activists led by Kenya Community Support Centre, a Peace and Security Non- governmental organisation based at the Coast said that the International community should not promise intervention but take the action and ensure that the two leaders President Uhuru Kenyatta and NASA leader Raila Odinga make peace.

KECOSCE Executive Director Phyllis Muema said that the hard political stands were only pushing the country into a major political crisis which will distabilise the country’s economy.

She asked the African Union, European Union, and United Nation among other International diplomats to join hands and save Kenya from a replica of the 2007/8 post election violence.

“We are on the ground meeting youth, women groups, political and community leaders but what we hear from them, the country is truly headed to the wrong direction,” added Mrs. Muema.

She said that Raila had support from across the country that is why it was necessary to include him in a serious dialogue with President Uhuru Kenyatta.

“We saw, and some of us participated in the political rallies and the People’s assembly launch at Uhuru gardens in Mombasa on Sunday, the politicians warned that without the dialogue the country will plunge into violence, what are we telling Kenyans," Posed Muema.

She revealed that locals in the Coast region are living in fear following the current political situation in the country.

She also said that most of the investors at the Coast seem to be weighing the political situation before spending their millions of shillings in launching big investments projects.