A person working out in the gym.[Photo/Youtube]
Let us face it, many people are struggling with weight issues. Nowadays even children below ten have a bit more of the kilos than we think they require. Men are working so hard at offices every day that there is no more time for workouts. Their wives are also busy either running businesses like boutique shops and salons or raising kids at home. No time for a proper meal, grabs some fries and a coke. And boom! The calories.Now, it’s not everyone’s fault that they are as big as they are. I think it is time the society gave a break to our overweight fellows. Stop complaining to them every time you go out for a meal together. Let us stop forcing them have raw cabbages and carrots. Let us stop forcing them sweat their fluids off at a local gym.
I mean, if they are fine with their weight let them be. That does not mean that we can’t advise them on how to cut their weight to a healthy level. But if it is advice, let it remain advice, they can take it or leave it. So if they do not want to take it, don’t get on their necks.
Bottom-line, it is COOL to be OK with your weight! And it should be ok to live with our plump friends as they are, they don’t have to be slimmer to fit in our society.