Busia County Agriculture and Animal Resources CeC Dr Moses Osia alongside the Iteso Cultural Union official Joyce Asekenye in Tororo on Saturday, December 18, 2017. [Photo|Busia County Government]Busia County Agriculture and Animal Resources CeC Dr Moses Osia has called on the Iteso Cultural Union (ICU) to set up an Education Fund to benefit Teso students from Kenya and Uganda.Speaking at the weekend when he met the ICU leaders ahead of the Iteso Cultural Day which was marred by controversies, Dr Osia said the University Education Fund will help Teso students from the two countries to pursue key courses including Engineering, medicine, law and culture among others.The Agriculture CeC who held talks with ICU founding member William Akol and Kumi District ICU chairperson Joyce Asekenye called also for the establishment of a trust fund.He said there is need by ICU to promote inter cultural exchanges so that its members can put into use good cultural practices."Youth need to be taught on their marital responsibilities which used to be the norm by their grandparents and the need to grow traditional foods to stop aping western culture," he said. Through cultural exchanges the community can engage in value additions on such products. Dr Osia said there is also need to promote spiritual nourishment among members of the Teso community in Kenya and Uganda, saying that success can be realized if people get to know God.

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