Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho at a past function. [Photo/]

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Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho has downplayed claims that he used gubernatorial candidate Hezron Awiti’s running mate Hassan Mwamtoa as a spy during the last general election. 

Speaking on Wednesday, Joho said that he nominated Mwamtoa as the executive for Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock, and Cooperatives because he is a performer, but not a spy. 

The appointment of Mwamtoa has continued to elicit mixed reactions from different factions after speculations that he used to conduct secret meetings with Joho’s handlers ahead of the August General election.  

Joho insisted that the fact the Mwamtoa backed his opponent does not stop him from working with him for the betterment of Mombasa county.

 “Some of us do things differently and just because he ran with my opponent, it doesn’t mean we can’t work together, the political story ended, Joho, said as quoted by a local daily.

"Mombasa people spoke with a ‘bang’… how can you even want to challenge something and you were seriously beaten,” Joho added.

 The county boss further said that he defeated Awiti in a free and fair manner, adding that he is ready to work with his allies to transform the economy of Mombasa in the next five years of his governance