Nyali MP Hezron Awiti on Monday revealed a man and two women who he claimed have been sent by Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho to intimidate him politically.
The first time MP reaffirmed that the trailing was part of a plot to intimidate and harass him to drop his gubernatorial ambition.
He cited an incident a month ago when, he claimed, he was accosted by a young man whom he identified by name, and whom he accused of threatening him with a gun.
“They have unleashed two women, a man and a driver who always trail my cars waiting for the opportunity to finish me, but I am telling them to stop it," Awiti said.
His sentiments have however been rubbished off as a mere publicity stunt and seeking for sympathy votes by Mombasa County ODM chairman Mohamed Hatimy.
“That is nonsense,’’ said Mr Hatimy. “Who is he to think that he can be killed by anyone? We have important things to think about and not about killing anybody,’’ he told the Daily Nation.
“He does not stand a chance against the governor in Mombasa,’’ said an angry Mr Hatimy.