All members of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) are meeting in The Hague to among other things pick Kenya’s next Chief Justice.
According to the Star, the JSC members who accompanied Attorney General Githu Muigai for a territorial dispute hearing will also review the findings of the recently concluded interviews and choose retired Dr Willy Mutunga’s replacement before they jet back into the country.
"They will announce the successful candidate soon after returning to the country on Thursday. This means Kenya will have a new CJ before the end of the week," said the paper.
The JSC last Thursday finalised the CJ interviews and Kenyans are already expecting the new office holder to be named any time.
Among the candidates who seemed to impress the public opinion are the quartet of Prof Makau Mutua and Dr Smokin Wanjala, Alnasir Visram and David Maraga.
Apart from impressive integrity, job experience and academic qualifications, regional balance will also be another key factor considered in making the decision.
With the high levels of corruption said to be finding way into courtrooms, the new CJ will be expected to help restore order and protect citizens who fail to get justice because they cannot afford bribes.