Deputy President William Ruto at a past campaign rally in Eldoret. [Photo/ PSCU]

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Deputy President William Ruto and Senate leader of Majority Kipchumba Murkomen have told Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) chairman Wafula Chebukati to put his house in order ahead of the October 17 repeat presidential election.

The two said Chebukati should stop engaging in unnecessary internal fights and instead focus in ensuring elections are held on the set date.

Speaking in Eldoret town on Thursday, the deputy president who had accompanied President Uhuru Kenyatta for the campaigns insisted that Jubilee was ready for the fresh election.

"Chebukati mambo na lukumba lukumba na barua mingi hatutaki. IEBC isitulee mchezo sisi tunataka kupiga kura tarehe 17," said Ruto loosely translated as "Chebukati, we don't want your many letters that you're writing. We want elections to be held on October 17."

Similar sentiments were shared by the Elgeyo Marakwet Senator Kipchumba Murkomen who insisted that Jubilee supporters were ready participate in the repeat elections day set by IEBC.

"Chebukati is writing many illegal letters but we want to tell him that whatever he does, elections must be held on October 17 because we are ready to prove to the world once against that President Uhuru Kenyatta was the people's choice," noted Murkomen.

A leaked internal memo that has caused ripples at the IEBC revealed tough questions that the chairman demanded answers from the Commission's CEO Ezra Chiloba.