Former TNA boss Onyango Oloo has revealed that the colorful Jubilee Party merger with like-minded political parties was a vicious political conmanship. 

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"Little did I know that the 11 parties that joined the merger were being led to vicious political conmanship," he said.

He further cast doubt whether the parties involved in the merger will ever get an opportunity to take part in Jubilee Party activities.

“JAP is in office. TNA is dead. UDF is dead... Other parties are dead. People like Kalembe Ndile are crying... The answer is that we were conned," he said.

"It is unfortunate. Everybody who worked on the ideology has been set aside. We will bear the consequences but are ready to continue fighting for our ideologies," he added.

Oloo even disclosed that several politicians are lining up to ditch Jubilee and join ODM.

"We will approach Cord," he said. “We are coming home for the 42 tribes… and I say 'No! No! No! to corruption and ethnicity," he said.

Oloo had once rubbished Raila Odinga's claims of wanton corruption under the Jubilee administration. Political analysts are keen to see how his newfound love for Raila will play out.