Parties that are folding to form the new outfit, Jubilee, have been told not to give demands in regards to positions in the party.

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The National Alliance (TNA) party Secretary General Onyango Oloo, said positions in the new party will be distributed equally.

“I want to alert those parties that are folding not to expect party seats. It is not a must that any party that folds will have a slot. Parties that are folding are many and we will strive to distribute the seats equally,” he said.

Oloo said the parties closing shop should not place any condition to be fulfilled in the new party.

He insisted that the fillings of the new party positions will be done in a transparent manner.

Addressing a press conference in Kisumu on Wednesday, Oloo said the ultimate goal is to form a strong viable party, to continue propelling the ideals of the Jubilee Coalition.

He said party positions should not be the driving force for the formation of a formidable party.

“Let us not be preoccupied by party positions in the new party. Our main goal is to come up with a strong party ahead of the coming polls,” he said.

Oloo said the welfare of the people of Kenya should be the hallmark of their desire to come together under one party.