Lunga-lunga MP Khatib Mwashetani faced opposition from Vanga residents when he stood up to speak at the burial ceremony of departed Kwale Senator Boy Juma Boy on Monday afternoon.

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Mwashetani took to the podium to deliver President Uhuru's condolence message before he was rudely interrupted by pro- NASA supporters.

He, however, braced himself and even confronted the booing crowd.

"I tell you no matter the noise you make today we will still vote on 8th August and the results will speak for themselves," said Mwashetani.

"This booing is not coming from the people of Vanga but visitors, I am here as Lunga-lunga MP whether you like it or not," he added.

Senator Boy Juma Boy died after a short illness.

Caption: Lunga-lunga MP Khatib Mwasetani. He was booed in Vanga.

Photo: Abdullahi Musa/Facebook page