Youths in Kadibo division in Nyando constituency have been told to seek for police recruitment in Awasi.

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Nyando MP Fred Outa on Tuesday clarified that Kadibo falls under Nyando Sub County and any youth willing to participate in the coming police recruitment drive should visit Awasi.

Police recruitment will take place on April 4 in several sub counties.

Outa said that any youth from Kadibo who will go to Kisumu Central will miss the opportunity.

“There is confusion in Kadibo and with the police recruitment coming; I know some of the youth will report to Kisumu Central. I want to urge them to go to Awasi because their chance is there and not in Kisumu Central,” he said.

There has been contention on where Kadibo division falls after they were removed from Kisumu East.

A section of the residents have declined to move to Nyando and have told their people to report to Kisumu Central for any government services.

The MP now said that it is within the law that Kadibo falls under Nyando Sub County and warned anybody who sticks to Kisumu Central that they will miss key government services.

“The boundary had been demarcated and if the people of Kadibo want to move to Kisumu Central and eventually have their own sub county, they must wait longer,” he said.

Earlier this month, the MP convened a meeting bringing all the chiefs, their assistants and the county commissioner where they deliberated the issue and reached a consensus that Kadibo is in Nyando Sub County.