Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka on Sunday claimed that Jubilee coalition is secretly planning to remove the presidential term limit as it is set in the constitution.

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Kalonzo revealed that the alleged plan will be hatched if the Jubilee government will win 2017 elections and succeed in retaining majority legislators in the national assembly.

“There is a plan by Jubilee to use tyranny of numbers and remove the term limit of the serving president so that its leadership can remain in power forever,” Musyoka told his supporters while campaigning in Nyamira.

“I ask Kenyans of goodwill to deny Jubilee the chance of forming the next government so that our country is not like Uganda and Zimbabwe where term limits for the serving President have been removed,” he pleaded.

The current Constitution states that a President can serve for a maximum of two five-year terms.

The Cord co-principal was addressing his party supporters at Kemera, Makairo, and Kebirigo markets when he took his presidential campaign to the Kisii region.