Nakuru Senator James Mwangi has asked former Prime Minister Raila Odinga to stop using the ongoing wrangles in Narok County to gain political relevance in the area.

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Speaking at a press conference Tuesday morning at a Nakuru hotel, Mwangi said that Raila should keep off Narok politics and let the county residents, which overwhelmingly voted for the Jubilee Coalition, and let leaders sort out their own issues.

He said it was wrong for Raila to take advantage of the Narok crisis to further his own political agenda in the region.

“What Raila is doing in Narok is not right because instead of supporting reconciliation efforts, he has decided to team up with one side and this cannot help the situation. As a leader, Raila should be at the forefront to bring the wrangling sides together,” he said.

Mwangi added that politicising the Narok crisis will not help anyone but will instead make the situation worse.

“Narok leaders must be sober when handling this issue because if they do not get sober, they might end up the Makueni way and that will lead to the suffering of the common people and not the leaders,” he said.

Narok county leaders are currently engaged in a fierce battle pitying the governor Samuel Tunai against a rival group led by senator Stephen Ole Ntutu and a section of area members of parliament over what they claim as fighting corruption in the county.