Football Kenya Federation (FKF) have selected Bomu Stadium for an international U20 friendly match between Kenya and Egypt.

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Making the revelations, Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho indicated the match would be played in March.

"My esteemed appreciation to Hon. Omar Mwinyi, Mr. Nicholas Mwendwa the President of Football Kenya Federation and the people of Changamwe for a beautiful pitch trial game at the Bomu Stadium this evening," Joho said on Wednesday evening after the trial match at the stadium in Changamwe, ahead of its official opening.

Construction of the 3,000-capacity Bomu Stadium is already complete.

Babu Rajab, the CeC for Youth, Gender and Sports said former Kenyan and former Tanzania international football players would feature in an exhibition match during the official launch of the stadium.

Joho had said the stadium would have an official FIFA standard 11-aside Astro-Turf pitch with full amenities, including lavatories, changing rooms, flood lights for night games with a sitting capacity of over 3,000 fans.

Construction of the stadium kicked off few weeks after Joho launched 11 aside Uwanja wa Mbuzi Mini Stadium in Kongowea, Nyali Sub-county, in May 2017.

The stadium is equipped with lavatories, changing rooms, canteen, flood lights and cafeteria sections with a sitting capacity of over 3,000 people.

The pitch is a boost to sports and talent in the Coastal county, even as Joho said his government would continue supporting local talent.

"We will continue to develop such facilities just like 11 aside Uwanja wa Mbuzi Mini Stadium and the 7-Aside pitches in Majengo, Kisauni and Kizingo to enhance talent growth amongst our youth," he said.

Joho noted this encourages sports tourism, besides creating safe havens within the neighbourhoods for children to play and engage in positive and constructive interactions.