The Kenyan and Japanese governments will be training engineers from Kenya in new and advanced welding techniques to ensure that there will be proper maintenance of the Mombasa port after the project of constructing it is complete.

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According to Japan’s Ambassador to Kenya Tatsushi Terada the Japanese government wants to ensure they train more Kenyans with the high level of techniques who will assist in maintaining proper operations of the port.

He said 55 youths have been selected as members of the first batch of the African Business Education Initiative for the Youths and they will study in Japan for the next three years with an aim of promoting economic activities between the two countries.

“Many Japanese companies are coming to Kenya to establish business ventures and we see this as a step in reinforcing our relationship in the private sector,” he said.

He said that training people and transferring technologies is the very characteristics of Official Development Assistance (ODA) of the Japanese government, revealing that Kenya is the largest recipient of their ODA in Sub-Saharan Africa.

“The Japanese companies engaged in construction came to Mombasa port not only to construct but also to transfer their skills to the Kenyan people and after the completion of the project we hope that there will be many Kenyans who will have benefited from the skills,” he said.