In the past few days, the name of opposition chief Raila Odinga's family has been making rounds on social media.

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This comes after Raila's daughter Rosemary Odinga launched her parliamentary bid for Kibra constituency on Saturday.

The move has led to Kenyans reacting in mixed responses on twitter under the hashtag #OdingaDynasty.

Some Kenyans took to twitter to commend Rosemary Odinga while others accused the former Prime minister of being a nepotistic leader.

Here are some of the tweets:

 4h4 hours agoMore

Raila is a nepotistic individual who utilizes any opportunity to reward his family members and members of his close circles

 4h4 hours agoMore

Raila is giving the ODM ticket for Kibra to hs daughter Rosemary odinga The guy doesn't pay back loyalty

 18m18 minutes agoMore

Jomo's son is President, Moi's son is Senator but Rosemary Odinga can't vie for a seat?? People are petty/dumb

 40m40 minutes agoMore

what's the problem if Rosemary is VYING for an elective post, given its not a tender given by Raila

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