Former Attorney General Charles Njonjo.[Photo| Soft Kenya]Kenya's former and first Attorney General Charles Njonjo has turned 98 today. Njonjo popularly known as 'Duke of Kabetshire', was born on January 23, in 1920.He served as AG from 1963-1979.Njonjo also served as a Minister of Constitution Affairs from 1980-1983.A sections of Kenyans online celebrated the former AG by sending him birthday wishes with some saying he is an Icon. Below are some messages sampled from twitter:@KoinangeJeff: Here's wishing a HAPPY 98th BIRTHDAY to a Kenyan ICON.....The often Misunderstood 'Duke of Kabetshire', Sir Charles NJONJO....98 and COUNTING.....Keep Walking, Sir Charles.....keep doing what you do!!@Ryan_Mucilih: Wishing a HAPPY 98th BIRTHDAY to a Kenyan ICON. # HappyBirthdaySirCharles Viva Viva Charles!@JLetangule: Happy 98th birthday to the first post independence Attorney General, Sir Charles Njonjo@patinelemoh: Happybirthday former Attorney General 2 Years Shy From hitting a Century
Kenyans wish Njonjo well as he turns 98

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