Khetia’s supermarket Eldoret branch has come under immense scrutiny for what has been a disturbing revelation after their attendants were allegedly caught repackaging contraband sugar.
The more than 252 sacks of sugar are believed to have been imported from South American country Brazil.
The war on contraband goods and brands have been stepped up across the country and the popular Eldoret stores are the unfortunate victims of the latest strings of crackdowns.
The police in conjunction with the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) has stepped up measures to see to it that the sugar is inspected to ascertain its suitability for human consumption.
Eldoret West police boss Samuel Mutunga is upbeat that the investigations will be completed in time and allow for the prosecution of anyone found guilty of the fiasco.
“We have nabbed 252 bags of fake goods. Documents have been handed over to KRA team for verification,” said Mutunga.
The crackdown on the contraband brands started with the shutting down of more than 200 water bottlers all around the country after it was established that their operations are questionable and not clear.
Mutunga said the track with the contraband sugar will be sealed and taken to a police station where sampling will be done to confirm the quality and quantity of the goods.
It remains to be seen what will happen to the contraband sugar even as top retail shops continue colluding with greedy suppliers to exploit the unsuspecting buyer.