Witeithie Ward MCA Julius Taki has tabled a bill seeking to compel supermarkets and other retailers to provide free eco-friendly shopping bags for their customers in Kiambu County.

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In his motion, Macharia argued that since the Ministry of Environment illegalized the use of plastic bags, retail outlets have been forcing customers to buy bags or use old ones whenever they do their shopping. The MCA argues that this is an abdication of duty by the businesses.

Taki added that due to this policy by the retailers, shoppers sometimes find themselves mixing foodstuffs with other items that could be detrimental to their health.

He further argued that in order to avoid endangering their health, shoppers are forced to acquire additional bags, further stretching their resources.

"This Assembly urges the County Government of Kiambu to engage with the management of supermarkets and other retail outlets across the county to provide eco-friendly shopping bags to all their clients," Macharia said as quoted by Thika Today.

Solomon Wambui, the MCA for Ndenderu Ward, supported the motion warning that any retailer that fails to comply with the new law would be denied a license to operate in Kiambu County.

Since that ban on plastic bags took effect, people in Kiambu and other areas in the country have had to deal with the extra cost of purchasing shopping bags.

Hawkers have taken advantage of the situation, and have taken to waylaying shoppers outside major supermarkets, and selling shopping bags at exorbitant prices.