Music can be a good source of livelihood if it is done right and timely released.

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For those who can understand Kikuyu, they have made many musicians millionaires and still many are coming up.

Among the top selling is Sammy Irungu, a newcomer who has shocked many this year.

Coming into the limelight late last year with his album that has had hit after hit after hit, the songs in the album have been on rotation in media stations giving him an edge over other artists.

This year he has been on high demand in churches, weddings and cultural events.

Some of his popular songs include Maithori and Kirathimo among others.

Another big shot is John Njagi. The upright jovial family man is one who has reaped big from his music this year. His songs have also been on rotation on radio.

His appearances in clubs and political rallies have ensured he has a steady flow of cash coming his way.

Jane Muthoni is a favourite gospel musician whose success story is nothing compared to what she had to endure to get to where she is.

Her story is one of the fabled rags to riches and it has many people in tears but that is all in the past now.

Muthoni has been in the industry for over a decade and she has found a place in the hearts of many. Every song she releases quickly catches on.

She has not released many songs this year but people still listen to her songs. Her calendar is always packed with church and wedding events.

Another musician is Grace Mwai whose year has been quite unstable after landing a TV hosting deal then losing it shortly after under unclear circumstances. Her songs have still maintained their appeal and still top the charts.

As Kenyans see success, there are moving stories behind all these entities. The best way to judge is to learn first what the stepping stones have been to make them who they are.