Kisii town. [Photo/Gusii Star]

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Kisii Town is the headquarter of Kisii County which is important as a commercial hub and vital gateway to the South Nyanza region.

Since 2013, the County Government has invested substantial resources in improving the town both in terms of infrastructure and social services. These improvements include solar street lighting, high mast lighting, installation of cabro on pedestrian walkways and improvement of access roads.

In the past five years, the town has undergone tremendous growth as a 24-hour economy with over 20 commercial banks, 14 universities, 12 insurance firms, supermarkets and a vibrant hospitality industry among others.

Additionally, the resultant environment that is conducive to business has attracted investors and various traders some who hawk their wares at various points in the town.

However, it has come to our notice that some hawkers sell food to members of the public in open spaces. This has raised public health concerns over possible outbreaks of diseases.

Further, we have witnessed congestion where some traders especially hawkers display their wares in front of shops and along major access roads.

To redress this, the County through the Department of Lands, Physical Planning and Urban Development conducted routine inspection covering the areas of public health, environment, urban transport and areas where pedestrian walkways have been blocked by hawkers.

Through continuous engagement with the concerned stakeholders, the County Government has come up with a raft of measures to reorganize the town especially hawking activities.

This reorganisation involves relocating hawking business to designated areas, enforcement of public health regulations on food hawking, ensuring all traders have operating licenses and adherence to county regulations.

While this is ongoing, we have noted reports in social media and other forums claiming that the exercise is a witch hunt targeting specific individuals and communities.

The County Government calls on residents to ignore such claims and treat them as baseless propaganda. We wish to assure Kisii Town residents of our commitment to continually improve the business environment for all traders and that we serve all without bias.

Those with concerns regarding this reorganisation should direct them to the office of the Town Administrator or the office of the CEC for Lands, Physical Planning, and Urban Development.
