Kisii County Assembly speaker David Kombo. (Photo/ Nation.)
A section of ward representatives in Kisii County has threatened to impeach the county assembly speaker Mr David Kombo.
Led by Mr Kefah Mogaka (Sensi ward) and nominated MCA Caren Magara the MCA's accused the speaker of dividing them.
They said that they will not sit and watch the speaker lead their colleagues in embezzling funds.
“Ward representatives have not even received money to visit their wards and initiate development projects," said Mr Mogaka.
"He even took other ward reps to Mwanza Tanzania so that he can plan on how to steal money meant for the public," he added.
Mr Kombo a former South Mugirango MP has come under sharp criticism on how he has been conducting himself in the Assembly.
Ms Magara said that the speaker once back in the country will never see peace until he does things the right way.
"What we want is the people to get the right services and we cannot allow a speaker to mislead the county," she said.
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