A Court sitting in Kisii has issued an injunction restraining new Kiamokama tea factory director Benjamin Matonda from assuming office till a case filed by four concerned litigants is heard and determined.

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Also cited as respondents are Kiamokama Tea Factory and Kenya Tea Development Authority (KTDA).

Magistrate J. R Karanja ordered that the polls be suspended pending determination of the application of the case by the plaintiffs.

“A temporary injunction is hereby issued restraining the respondents from conducting elections of the Kiamokama Tea Factory in respect of Masaba Zone and conditioning of the Respondents to suspend the said elections pending the hearing of the application of the inter partes,” he said in the ruling.

The case was filed by Ms Elizabeth Ratemo , David Nyakeriga, James Ongeri and James Makori who had vied and lost in the directorship elections held late December, 2016.

They said the elections were conducted in a non- transparent manner thus defeating the cause of justice.

They further accused Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA) of imposing leaders on them.

“The registers have to update so that we know the exact number of people eligible to vote because we realized even those who died as long as 23 years ago were ‘allowed to vote’.