Kisumu locals have vowed to carry on with the legendary work of renowned Kenyan politician Kenneth Matiba who died over the weekend following prolonged sickness.

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Kisumu locals noted that Matiba was a hero of all time who dedicated his life and wealth to fight the oppressive regime.

The residents said that after Matiba's struggle, another regime has come up and denied its people the chance for equal opportunity.

They noted that what Matiba started will not end in vain and have vowed to continue articulating for democracy in the country.

“We mourn and celebrate Matiba at the same time. He was a true leader who fought for the ordinary citizen and right of the citizen to be heard through the ballot. We will continue with his work and ensure Kenya is a democratic country,” Francis Otis a resident opined.

The locals noted that they have lost a leader and at the same time lashed at the government for failing to honor him while he was still alive.

“This country only recognizes its heroes when they are dead. This is very unfortunate. It is very hypocritical of politicians to come out now mourning yet they did nothing while he still was alive,” Simon Olang’o explained.

Others urged Uhuru to compensate Matiba for the injustices the government did to him.

“I would like Jubilee government to take care of Matiba’s family and establish his businesses for him. That is the least they can do to relieve the pain and torture they caused him,”Agnes Anyesi noted.