Widows in South West Kisumu ward on Monday heaped praise on Kisumu County governor Jack Ranguma for the iron sheets he donated to help improve their houses.
The young and the elderly widows were living in shattered houses.
The recent El Nino rains added more woes to their suffering as some houses were destroyed.
The area Ward Representative Joseph Abiola appealed to governor Ranguma for help and donated 1,000 iron sheets.
The joyous 40 women carried iron sheets ranging from 16 to 25 each to construct their houses.
“We have been living in tents, with leaking roofs, we are very happy for the donation,” said Janet Anyango, a 65 year old woman.
Abiola identified 10 women who are very needy and volunteered to provide timber and nails for the construction of their houses.
He said the leadership of Ranguma is promising and urged his people to give the governor a second term in office come 2017 general election.
“Ranguma will continue doing more and as your representative, I will avail resources to completely built ten houses for the most needy cases,” he said.
Kisumu West constituency sub county administrator Samson Jagero hailed the leadership of governor Ranguma.
Jagero said that Ranguma has been close to the ward representatives to ensure development reaches the people.