Kitui senator Enock Wambua has warned NASA leaders against abandoning the push for electoral reforms and justice in the country.

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Wambua argues that the opposition must keep the reforms agenda alive for the sake of Kenyans who lost their lives and got maimed in last year’s general election.

The Wiper senator says that while the meeting between President Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga was right, the two leaders must work on reconciling the country and guarantee institutional reforms.

“The issues of electoral reforms and justice are a must do for President Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga,” Wambua said.

He addressed the press in Nairobi on Monday.

Wambua noted that reconciliation will not be realized unless justice is served first.

He said issues of police brutality and alleged extra judicial killings have to be addressed first before any reconciliation meetings can take place.

The senator said the country risks experiencing similar issues every electioneering period if Uhuru and Raila ignore the reforms agenda.

The Kitui senator asked the President to include all leaders in reconciling the country.

He said Uhuru and Raila’s decision to  meet last week without the other key leaders was not a good show.

“The President should have met Raila alongside Kalonzo Musyoka, Moses Wetangula and Musalia Mudavadi for their meeting to be taken seriously,” Wambua said.

Wambua said the exclusion of the three leaders and others send a wrong  signal  in efforts to unite the country.

The Kitui senator asked NASA co- principal's to continue agitating for change in the country for the sake of hundreds of supporters who lost lives in last year’s polls.