Devolution Cabinet Secretary Mwangi Kiunjuri has said devolution has been a success despite many challenges encountered over the past four years like the doctors strike.
“These challenges demand patience. This is a huge transition. We need to patiently work together to overcome our challenges and realize the dream of devolution.” Said Kiunjuri.
He stated that the main cause of the disputes arising seem to be as a result of functions, mandates and even distribution of resources.“The implementation of the devolution process has not been without challenges. Despite constitutional clarity of most issues, institutional stakeholders of devolution have been at odds with one another these past for years,” he stated.Speaking during the 2nd annual Legislative Conference on Tuesday in Mombasa organized by the senate and MCAs, Kiunjuri stressed that devolution has brought services closer to Kenyans and emphasized the central role played by the Senate and County Assemblies.Caption: Devolution Cabinet Secretary Mwangi Kiunjuri, he has said that devolution has been a success despite many challenges encountered over the past four years like the doctors strike.