Nyamira County Women Representative Jerusha Momanyi for more enrollment to schools moments after Kuwait government promised to donate money for construction of classes.

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According to her, the Kuwait and Kenyan governments partnered to build modern classrooms in the region to provide a conducive environment for learners and tutors.

“Parents should not fail to take their children to school because the national government is offering free education. 

"The modern classrooms will be constructed in all the Nyamira schools after the government of Kuwait agreed to donate funds towards the construction of the classes to ensure learners are learning at a conducive environment,” she noted.

The MP reiterated that her education committee is putting down strategies to ensure girl child education in Nyamira improves.

“Nyamira girls are dropping school at tender ages due to early pregnancy and parental negligence. I have plans which will compel all parents in Nyamira County to take girls to school to get proper education like boys,” she noted.

Her sentiments comes a week after Kuwait government delivered Sh2 billion that would be diverted to construction of classrooms in the county.