Lafey Member of Parliament Shabaan Issack has vowed to defy advice from his community elders to join the ever growing number of politicians in North Eastern Kenya who have broken ranks with verdicts issued by clan elders in the much hyped negotiated democracy.
The veteran North Easten politician is now saying he will defend his current seat despite the verdict by his Murule clan elders to recommend the seat to a different aspirant.
“The elders' decision amounts to a totally unacceptable infringement on the electorate's democratic rights and is very illegal under the current Kenyan constitution that provides for the freedom to seek any elective post and even elect whomever one wants,” said Shabaan.
Murule council of elders has in the recent past been making political endorsements as elders representing few aggrieved sub-clans expressing intention to withdraw in protest of the verdicts by the council which illegally distributed out political positions amongst the different dominant sections of the Murule clans.