The late Janet Kanini Ikua [Photo/ Courtesy]

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The sudden demise of Janet Kanini Ikua took many by surprise, and almost seemed like a cruel April Fool's joke. But those who were close to the fallen cancer warrior and re-known television anchor, quickly confirmed that she had indeed passed on.

Larry Madowo, a former workmate of Janet at NTV, wrote on his Facebook timeline, "My fiend Janet Kanini-Ikua breathed her last this morning (Saturday). She was brave and inspiring. We were all privileged to have known her. Sleep well."

Madowo has gone on to eulogise the 38 year old mother of two in a lengthy tribute published by the Standard. Read here.

“I am still in shock and struggling to believe that my friend and dear cousin has gone to sleep with the angels,” media personality Kalekye Mumo said. “We had a lot in common being the bubbly and outgoing girls of the family. Her zest for life, her beautiful smile and laughter will be sorely missed.”

Madowo described Janet’s love for her family, life and people around her as what everyone remembers. On screen as in real life, her smile radiated friendship and a personality that the little box couldn’t fully transmit.

Mercy Maroma, the NTV production manager described her as the epitome of friendship. “My dad was diagnosed with cancer and during his illness Janet would constantly walk the journey with me, from phone calls, late night visits when I broke down, milkshakes to get me through my days and tears, as well as financially because she knew how hard it was caring for a cancer patient,” she said.

On social media, many tributes to the presenter-entrepreneur-campaigner mentioned her overflowing heart. “Her Misery was her Ministry and through her journey with cancer she taught us to never let anything steal our joy and that we must always fight to the very end,” Grace Msalame, who started out with her at KTN, wrote.

“Many of us thought she had won this battle. After she went through it with a lot of determination and we were all won over with her confidence,” Linus Kaikai, the NMG General Manager for Broadcasting said.

Similar sentiments filled the internet as Kenyans came to terms with the passing on of a face they have seen on TV for almost a decade and a half. “I had hoped she would beat the cancer. She fought so bravely,” tweeted Mugo Kibati. 

Kanini has left a widower, George Ikua and two children.