Kisii county is among the counties whose governors are serving for the second and last term. 

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A number of leaders have shown interest in taking over Governor James Ongwae. 

They include; Dagoretti North Member of parliament Simba Arati who is serving a second term in parliament. 

Mr Arati started by being crowned as the abagusii spokesperson early this year. 

The move gave him popularity not only in Nairobi county where he serves as MP but also Kisii region. 

Kisii Deputy Governor Joash Maangi is also seeking to be governor.

Mr Maangi hails from the abamachoge clan that equally has many votes. 

His popularity largely lies on how Governor Ongwae will perform in his second term. 

It is worth noting that Mr Maangi has been initiating a number of projects within the county. 

However, Mr Maangi faces a challenge after a last year's move where he decided to ditch Jubilee party when they needed him most.

 The other one  Mr Manson Nyamweya who ran for thessame seat in the last elections. 

Mr Oyongo emerged third in a tight race and he is still the talk of the town.

His track record when he served as MP also outshines all his other competitors. 

Mr Richard Onyonka who is the Kitutu Chache South MP has also declared interest in the seat. 

From look of things, Governor Ongwae might support him in the next elections. 

Former Kisii Senator Chris Obure who unsuccessfully ran for the seat in the last elections is also said to be eyeing the seat. 

Mr Obure is considered the most experienced politician in Kisii County and will give all the other candidates a run for their money.