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This is probably the worst feeling ever in the world ,once you get to experience it,you would learn a lot through the whole process.You might have never saw it coming and hoped that it would never happen to you but some things such as being dumped are inevitable.Here are some of the lessons that only being dumped can teach you;

1.How to go throw and grow  through emotions.You might have to pretend like everything is fine and carry out your normal day activities the same way used to.Just because they left you for someone else,shouldn't be a reason for your life to come to a hold even i you have t pretend.

2.How rejection feels and how long it takes to heal.Healing comes with time,at some point it may feel like it is taking infinity to heal from a break up but you will manage to get over this person soon enough.

3. Finally,you will get to know who your true friends are.Those who will be there for you and will be willing to offer a shoulder you can lean on whenever you need comfort or just someone to talk to.