Kamandura area in Limuru constituency community representative Sakina Karanja at the Limuru Technical Institute site which has stalled. [Photo: The Star]Limuru residents have asked the national government to investigate the construction of a Sh100 million technical institute which has stalled.They say the future of the Limuru Technical Training Institute, and many young people is uncertain after the contractor a left the site before completing the project.Building materials are at a risk of being stolen after the watchmen left and workers departed, they say.The technical school is one of the institutions the Jubilee administration promised to build in all constituencies and is supposed to absorb school leavers so they can take technical courses and later find jobs.Kiambu Institute of Science and Technology Principal Michael Njugu, who is mandated to oversee construction blamed the contractor for leaving the site.He said the company was awarded the tender after fulfilling all the requirements.“We have provided everything required, including finances, to the contractor and I am disappointed to learn that the project has been abandoned with no security to secure the materials,” Njugu said on Tuesday as quoted by the Star.He said appropriate action will be taken against the contractor including cancelling the tender and awarding it to a different company.Area MP Peter Mwathi said he was following up on the state of construction and will ensure the project is completed.“We cannot sit and watch as the project stalls. We want to know why it stalled,” Mwathi was quoted by the Star.Community representative Sakina Karanja urged the state to take immediate action and ensure the project is completed.The government allocated Sh40 million towards the project, while the National Constituency Development Fund provided Sh10 million. The government will provide Sh50 million equipment.

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