Education Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohamed has appointed a nine-member interim board to manage Moi Girls School-Nairobi.

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The institution is set to reopen on Sunday.Mr John Ololtuaa, the Nairobi regional education coordinator, will led the new team.

The also comprises representatives from the Education ministry and Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

The other members are: Ms Rose Ombeva from regional education office, Ms Lydia Mutegi (sub-country director of education) Mr Benard Kimachas (TSC county director), Mr Gichuhi Ndegwa, Mr Rashid Mohamed and Mr Fidelis Nakhulo from Education ministry headquarters, Ms Lucy Mugambi (TSC) and Ms Cicely Musyoki (TSC).

The acting principal is the secretary to the interim board while Kibra deputy county commissioner will be an ex-officio member.