The 2022 Presidential race is expected to be a battle of titans.  Deputy President William Ruto is among the leaders who have expressed their interests in their nation’s top. There are a number of politicians who will influence the outcome of the race to State House.  Here are some of the powerful politician Presidential candidates will be reaching out to win their support.

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1. President Uhuru Kenyatta: Although he will not be eligible to contest in 2022, everyone is still watching to see whether President Uhuru Kenyatta will stick to his promise to Ruto. The commander in chief of the armed forces has said repeatedly that he will back Ruto in 2022.  The race will take a different twist if he changes his tune.

2. Former Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga: Raila remains one of the most powerful leaders in Kenya. The candidate Raila will endorse stands a better chance to beat his rival. Raila enjoys the support of Nyanza, Coast and some parts of Western Kenya. 

3. Mombasa governor Ali Hassan Joho: Joho has also announced that he will contest for the seat.  The governor is likely to garner the highest number of votes in the Coastal region. He will also win the hearts of many in Nyanza if Raila backs him for the seat.

4. Former President Daniel Torotich Moi: Moi remains a force to reckon with in the Rift Valley. His son Gideon Moi has announced that he will also contest for the post. The fight between Moi and Ruto will change the political dynamics of this nation when that time comes.  His father, the retired President has great influence in Rift and his word can change the results of an election.

5. Ford Kenya Leader Moses Wetangula and Amani National Congress (ANC) Leader Musalia Mudavadi: The two leaders have already started rallying the Mulembe nation as they wait for 2022. The fallout with Raila has shaped the politics of the Western region. Any candidate who wants to be president should reach out to the two for support if he wants a win.

6. Former Vice President Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka: Kalonzo is another force to reckon with on the political scene. The former vice president controls Ukambani politics. He has also declared his interest in the post. His reunion with Machakos county governor Alfred Mutua will change the outcome of the national elections.

Kenya is fragmented into different voting blocks. For one to ascend to power, he or she has to reach to influential politicians from this region. The Rift Valley, Mt. Kenya, Western Kenya, Eastern, and Coast are considered the top voting blocks that influence the outcome of any Presidential candidate. One cannot rise to power without support from more than half of these regions. There are leaders who have remained powerful even if they are not active in politics including Moi. These leaders will still play a role in the 2022 election.
