Fears of local sugar contaminated with mercury and copper have forced many locals living in West Pokot to move to the nearest centres in Uganda to buy the commodity at a cheaper price.

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According to the locals, sugar and other basic commodities in Uganda are sold at a cheaper price compared to those in the country. It costs only Sh80 for a kilogram of sugar which is Sh120 in the country.

West Pokot residents have now opted to flock Karita, Audat, Kanyerus and Moroto markets in Uganda where they are buying milk, sugar and maize floor.

Domongole Abraham from Orwolwa village says many of the residents along the border have dual citizenship thus making it easier for them to access the markets in Uganda and purchase commodities at an affordable price.

“I have an extended family, per day I use a kilo of sugar which cost Sh120 while in Uganda it cost Sh80, I rather cross to Uganda to buy sugar which is safe,” said Domongole.

"The Uganda sugar doesn't contain Mercury, lead or copper.  We rather cross to Uganda and get sugar that is safe" added another local, Julius Merikit.

Even as they opt to the Uganda sugar, many of the locals said Kenya Bureau of Standards (KBS) officers should be sacked because they allowed Kenyans to consume contraband sugar that contains mercury and copper. 

There have been concerns over the quality of sugar into the country after revelations that some of the imported sugar contains traces of Mercury, Copper and Lead which are harmful to human beings.