NASA presidential candidate Raila Odinga. [Photo/ Diaspora Messenger]

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With just over two weeks to the repeat presidential election, a lonely Raila Odinga plans to leave the country for a trip to the United Kingdom, where he is set to give a public lecture. It appears Raila is not keen to participate in the October 26 polls, as ordered by the Supreme Court, leaving President Uhuru Kenyatta as the only candidate in the race. So, what is Raila up to? According to sources, who talked to the Weekly Citizen newspaper, the ODM leader is planning to form a parallel government, after Uhuru Kenyatta is declared the president-elect. The sources said that Raila was planning to form a coalition government with President Kenyatta, but after National Assembly speaker was installed, NASA’s plans were ruined, following their argument that the Jubilee leader did not have the power to address the official opening of parliament. It is now clear that if Raila refuses to take part in the elections, Kenyans will go to the ballot and vote for President Kenyatta, who will then have the constitutional mandate to form the government. Raila hopes, according to the sources, that his refusal to participate will deny President Kenyatta legitimacy. It is on those grounds that he plans to form a parallel government. This move is nothing but a coup that aims to push Raila to power through the back door. But it won’t happen. The people will not allow it. Kenyans are sick and tired of the current stalemate that Raila has taken and kept the country in. The ODM boss cannot hold the country hostage forever. The country’s economy is suffering as a result of the extended electioneering period, and people are keen to cast their votes and move on with their lives. Many key leaders in NASA have abandoned Raila, with the few remaining in the opposition refusing to take part in the failing anti-IEBC demos. Even supporters have grown weary of Raila’s tactics. They now see him as a defeated man. It is not too late for Raila to return to the campaign trail and try closing the 1.4 million votes gap. He has two weeks to make the miracle happen. The path he has chosen is a sure way to terrible failure.