Popular radio presenter Maina Kageni has sparked a fight with Nairobi gubernatorial aspirant Miguna Miguna after  his comments to Esther Passaris on JKL show.

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It was during his Friday morning show that Maina decided to take Miguna head on.

During the JKL show on Wednesday night, Miguna told Passaris that “You (Passaris) believe that you are so beautiful, everybody wants to rape you.”

The presenter pulled a direct attack on Miguna by asking ladies to call in and share their experiences if they have ever dated or had a man like Miguna.

“This morning, we need to discuss Miguna Miguna. If you watched him at JKL, you will realise that some men cannot communicate without being rude,” Kageni stated.

“He can't make a point without insulting. Who insults a woman like that? Girls, do you have a Miguna Miguna in your life?

The controversial lawyer from Canada could not take the matter lightly and immedietly send a reply via his twitter handle.

“@ItsMainaKageni>You are completely out of order and context. It's your sanctimonious condescension which is sexist. Women are human beings!"