A man was arraigned in court on Tuesday for allegedly attempting to kill his mother after insulting her.

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Samuel Maina Njambi was accused of attempted murder on his mother Teresiah Njambi in Gathiga village, Kiambu County.

The charge sheet stated that on July 28, 2016 in Gathiga, the accused threw insults at his mother, a single parent, calling her a monkey and a fool.

He proceeded and took a knife to stab Njambi, who ran for her dear life at a neighbour’s place. The complainant then reported the incident at Gathiga Police Station and the accused was arrested.

The accused in mitigation said he was just trying to confront the mother after hearing she had plans to sell the land which she inherited from his grandfather.

Maina told the court that the land is rightfully his by inheritance and therefore he was in this case only defending what is rightfully his.

The accused was released on a cash bail of Sh5,000 and the case will be mentioned on August 11 and heard on September 22, 2016.