Residents of Naisanda village in Bumula constituency were left in shock after one of their neighbours married off his daughter for two bottles of chang'aa.

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The class seven pupil at Nabumali primary school was halted from pursuing her education after the father handed her to a chang'aa brewer in exchange of a daily dose of the liquor as dowry. 

The agreement was that the 'bride's' father will have two bottles of chang'aa every day until the dowry is paid in full.

A combined force comprising the area MP Boniface Otsiula, Women Rep Reginald Wanyonyi and the residents have demanded the immediate arrest of the man and also want the class seven pupil back in class.

Otsiula further condemned the incident saying it's due to poor education standards in the area that's why such sorry incidents happen. 

"Bumula has always lagged behind in education because of early pregnancies and high rate of school dropouts,” he said.