Uasin Gishu governor Jackson Mandago addressing the press in Eldoret town on Monday, December 18, 2017. [Photo: Elvanis Ronoh]

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Uasin Gishu governor Jackson Mandago has revealed why they retained Turkana Governor Josphat Nanok as the chairman of the Council of Governors (COG).

He said this was to start the healing process of the country, which was badly divided due to the just concluded presidential election.

"We decided to retain Governor Nanok to start the healing process at least for everyone whether you voted for Jubilee or NASA feels part of the government," he said in Eldoret town, Monday.

"He has also been vocal and he will help us in spreading peace messages across the country. Politics is now over and it is time for work and we should remember that Kenya is for all of us no matter our tribal or political affiliations," he added.

Kirinyaga Governor Ann Waiguru was named CoG deputy chair.He, however, warned the opposition leader against calling for the country to secede saying this will divide the country more.

"I want to urge my friend Raila Odinga to just accept and move calls for the country to secede will just plunge the country into war," noted governor Mandago.