Chief Justice David Maraga [PHOTO/]Chief Justice David Maraga has spoken of what informs his actions while delivering services as the CJ of Kenya.

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Speaking after he ruled to nullify the August 8 presidential elections, Maraga said that it is his fear of God which drives him to dispense justice to all Kenyans.

During his interview for the CJ posistion, Maraga said that after God, his actions are also guided by the Constitution of Kenya.

“In obedience to God’s Command and Will, and guided by the Constitution, to serve humanity, and Kenyans in particular, with dedication, honesty and integrity, striving at all times to uphold the rule of law and do justice to all.”

He is a staunch Seventh Day Adventist (SDA).

Maraga surprised many by his nullification of the presidential elections on grounds that the IEBC did not follow the law.

His ruling was the first of its kind in Africa and third in world history.