Cord leader Raila Odinga has added his voice on the continued crisis engulfing the education sector. Raila said stringent measures imposed by Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang'i are to blame.

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Raila said Matiang'i imposed the measures without adequate consultations with teachers and students.

The Cord leader said the measures backfired because the 'radical measures' were taken without adequate consultation.

In a statement sent to newsrooms on Wednesday, the new education policies failed because they went against teachers advice.

"Besides, students are feeling unnecessarily targeted in the so-called war against cheating. There is no justification whatsoever for non-candidates to stay at home during exams and for candidates to sit exams without the benefit of having access to their teachers in between the papers," read Mr Odinga' statement.

Raila further questioned the move to isolate teachers in the composition of the team to investigate arson cases. 

"The criminalisation of students and isolation of teachers is evident in the composition of the committee to investigate unrest in schools which comprises administrators in the Office of the President, CID, Inspector General of Police and bureaucrats in Teachers Service Commission and Ministry of Education," added Raila.

Raila has so far recommended a return to the old way of doing business, that is reinstating prayer days and school visiting days, and also reverting to the old school calender.

The former Prime Minister also blasted the Jubilee top leadership for its continued silence on the matter.

"In the meantime, schools are burning each day and the safety of our children in schools is not assured amid loud silence from top levels of government," said Raila's statement send from Philadelphia, US.