The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission has continued to receive criticism following its intention to stop the Okoa Kenya initiative.

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Kisumu County Governor Jack Ranguma said IEBC cannot lecture Cord supporters on how to append their signatures.

Mr Ranguma said there is no approved formula on how to append signatures noting that IEBC was hell bent to stop the initiative.

“When you go to the bank what you put as a signature remains so, even if it is a drawing of a hyena, why then is IEBC disputing animals’ signatures,” he asked.

Speaking in Kisumu on Saturday during a fund raising for Kondele Umbrella Women Group, Ranguma said the signatures were perfect.

An aspiring ward representative for Kondele ward who was the chief guest Joachim Oketch commonly known as “Swagga” said IEBC was acting on orders of the government.

Oketch said every signature that was appended is valid and accused IEBC of frustrating opposition parties.

He said IEBC has no moral authority to dictate on what a signature should look like.

Oketch said Kenyans are frustrated by the Commission and have lost faith in them.

“The action of IEBC is suspect and we could not allow Kenyans to go to the polls with this Commission in place. It must be replaced,” he said.

He further called for a total overhaul of the Commission so that new commissioners should be selected to take the country to the next general election.