Auditor general Edward Ouko. [Photo/]
MCAs unable to access a 12.6 billion shillings grant are growing increasingly impatient with the national and county governments.They have bitterly accused the two levels of government of frustrating their efforts to benefit from the scheme.MCAs had an understanding with the Salaries and Remunerations Commission that they would be given car loans and mortgages in 2016 after a strike.County governments wary of the Auditor General have made it increasingly difficult for them to get the billions.A scrutiny of the salaries of the MCAs reveals that they cannot afford a car grant and a mortgage.MCAs are entitled to a car loan worth 2 million shillings and a mortgage worth 3 million shillings.To get the loans, the MCAs have to commit in writing that deductions will be made from their salaries on a monthly basis for the duration of their five-year term.