Samuel Karumbo, a resident of Langas estate on the outskirts of Eldoret town has been trending on social after innovating a solar-powered vehicle.

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The 30-year-old, holder of a diploma in Electrical installation from Kitale National Polythenic is an inspiration to many after successfully executing and starting his own car assembly industry in Langas.

While his agemates are grappling for job opportunities in the country, Karumbo is busy putting together the final touches to the innovation at a small garage in Langas.

His journey to innovation, he says has not been a walk in the park, with a series of hurdles to knock before making many to run for their money to make intentions known that they are interested to buy it.

Karumbo was motivated by the resolve to own a personal car, which he, however, did not have enough cash to buy one.

“I admired owning a car but since I did not have enough cash, I landed on the idea of innovating one,” Karumbo told a writer.

He says aside from being an innovator, he thought of innovating a car that is environmentally friendly, which does not require any fuel and uses solar energy to drive the wheels.

“The car I have invented uses three solar panels to propel the engine each having a total 260 watts which sufficient for the car,“ notes Karumbo.

The young innovator says that he has spent about Sh125,000 in assembling the car and he is calling upon the government to support his dream by putting up a big workshop for him to enable him to manufacture solar cars which help in conserving environment from pollution emitted by fuel cars.

He further calls for the concerted efforts by the government to adopt the renewable energy sources such as solar, geothermal, wind and other sources that are environmentally friendly.
