The day is December 12, 1963. The place is Mount Kenya. Temperatures are below 15°C. One man has volunteered to climb the highest mountain in Kenya to hoist the Kenyan flag to celebrate independence and end of colonial rule.
His name is Kisoi Munyao. Who is this selfless man, you ask. Well, Kisoi Munyao made history when he climbed mount Kenya to hoist the flag. He was a mountain climber. He used to climb several mountaings in Ukambani. He died in 2007 and was laid to rest in his home in Makueni.
The then president Kibaki attended his burial. On December 12, 2013, his son Teddy Mutuku climbed the same mountain to hoist a flag in celebration of Kenya@50.
Like father like son. Mount Kenya is the second highest mountain in Africa and the highest in Kenya. It has 3 peaks namely Batian at 5, 199 metres, Nelion at 5,188 metres and point Lenana at 4,985 metres.
The mountain has a vast vegetation of forest, bamboo, afro-alpine, grass, mosses and lichens, glaciers, bare rocks, ice and snow.
It is the source of Tana river.