In the 1982 coup that nearly brought the Moi presidency to a grinding halt, the name of one man stood out; that of General Mohamud.

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It is General Mohamud who mobilised loyal soldiers to take on renegade soldiers keen on plunging the country from civilian rule to military rule.

As soon as information came through that the national broadcaster KBC had been captured by seditious elements in the military, he quickly swung into action.

He made sure that the then president Daniel Arap Moi was taken into safety and unleashed soldiers on the places that had been captured.

A shootout ensued and the loyal soldiers prevailed, helping save the Moi presidency.

For that display of courage and bravery, Mohamoud was awarded by the president the Uhodari Award and made the General Chief of Staff of the Military.

He is remembered to this day for his show of courage.

General Mohamud is the father in-law of Garissa Township Member of Parliament Aden Duale.
