Alex Maina, the Principal of Friends School Kamusinga wears a full school uniform every Monday and Friday.

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This is a tradition he says he started way back from his previous school before he was transferred to Kamusinga last year.

"It was my tradition to wear school uniforms Mondays and Fridays in my former school. I have very basic reasons that makes me wear school uniforms. One of them is to identify me with the students. I would want to get to their level and be reachable if they have a need because uniform puts people on the same bar," Maina told K24 TV during an interview on Saturday.

He says in a school set up, he is a student number one and that he does not wear uniforms to interact with students incognito.

"I would want to wear a uniform and let them know that I am one of them. If that would demystify the rank of a principal consequently creating an opportunity to be able to interact well, then it is the way to go," adds Maina.

Students at the school find it rather comical but at the same time humbling.

"Most students find it funny but it actually humbles and teaches me that leaders should actually be humble," says Padon Nguwa, a student at the school.

Teachers say that the principal's decision to wear uniforms is paying off saying that to be able to understand students better, you must try and be part of them.

"Some of us might be wondering what he is doing, but as a principal and a mature person, he knows exactly what he is doing and it is bearing fruits. A good gesture I must say," a Science teacher at the school notes.
