Since the olden days in high school, brother and sister schools' bonds and vibes have been there. This has been adopted in the current generation as the trend is still growing.
Kisii High school has been one of the giants in Kisii county who has scaled the education sector into the amazing levels but that aside, who is their sister school?
Kereri girls, which is a few meters from Kisii school, has been for several years their sister school but currently, this has been under pending situations due to the unbeatable Ichuni girls.
Ichuni Girls which is located one kilometer from Keroka town has shown their interest in Kisii High school which has left Kereri Girls to fight for the sisterhood.
Boys are known to put various factors into consideration when choosing their sisters; from the school's infrastructures, mode of dressings, beauty, the heavy their bus is and how jovial they are during flunkies.
However, the bus factor has been neutralized by the yellow paint as Ichuni girls had a well-done graffiti on their bus which made then outshine Kereri.
The outstanding factors to choose from now is infrastructures and as to how acceptable they are in flunkies which have brought a dilemma to Kisii school due to the tight similarities in the two girls' school.
Who will win the sister school title? Only the giants will tell.